Thursday, August 13, 2009

Planning in a World of Transition

I've been discussing transition and transformation in my former two blogs. As many know, I'm the consummate planner. FranklinCovey trainings and products pushed me over the edge from planning-obsessive to planning-accomplished. But what of planning now in this age of transition? Everything we know changes so radically. What can we possibly know of what will be in one, five or ten years? We can plan, as one of my friends suggests, because that's a way to feel empowered and prepared. Another friend suggests that long-term plans are useless right now, and we must spontaneously respond to each moment. Everyone seems to be finding their own truths around creating balance between planning, being, and doing.

Especially because of our economic recession, many of my plans, such as buying a house and launching a business, have seemed particularly risky. If only momentarily, I wondered: Will we keep our house? Will our lifestyle radically change? Will we be okay? Such worries fall on the other side of my leap of faith, in other words, my sense of trust and faith in myself and the world. Instead of dwelling on what-ifs, I've learned to follow my intuition, which has led me to create the home, relationships, profession, and life all designed to suit me perfectly. Learning to discern intuitive hits from fear-based thinking offered a critical step in the path.

But there's another component to this. Nearly everyone I know has been experiencing huge energy shifts, especially since the beginning of July. A few friends and clients are having the most remarkable experiences, coming together with loved ones in new and powerful ways. Some are having the most intriguing spiritual gifts come to them, such as extremely heightened intuition, powerful yet intimidating. Many just feel remarkably fatigued. How does one plan for such things?

Because of my own health issues and fatigue over the past few years, I never knew what my energy would be like from day to day. Planning and commitments were problematic and precursors to disappointment. I truly learned to dance in the moment while focusing on my two most important goals in this order: 1. restore vibrant health and 2. embrace my new vocational path and create its reality. I reduced planning down to these two goals, focusing all my strength, energy, and intention on these so that I would experience success. I think that there is learning in this for many of us. More than ever, it's time to focus on "what matters most," to borrow a phrase from FranklinCovey.

Really, how can we prepare for what is completely unknown? That will be a highly individualized process, reliant on the tools of intuition and profound curiosity about what our lives are meant to hold for us. The process will include an intensive view of our values and priorities.

Who and what do you deeply value?

Who do you love to be?

What brings you joy?

How can you honor and practice non-attachment to what you love?

What will you choose to do with your insights?

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